In short, yes, the ERMs can be used to order a pair of bifocal or progressive lenses, but you need to provide the eyeglass manufacturer with the ADD, which is the power needed to help you focus up close. If you are over the age of 40, both the EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker and VisionCheck apps will provide a recommended number for you based on your age. Please ensure that your birth year is accurately recorded in your EyeQue Profile Settings.
Please note, although the EyeQue PVT app does provide an ADD value, it is a recommendation based on age only and may not be what you are accustomed to or what you actually need. That value is a good starting point and works well for most people your age. However, if you already know what your ADD should be based on a previous recent prescription, you should use that number if different from the one provided. Most people will max out at an ADD of +2.50 D after age 60, but some may prefer an even stronger ADD to focus on fine print even closer.
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