If it is your very first time, you will be required to take the practice test before continuing as of PVT App 2.1 and VisionCheck App 3.0. This test is comprised of two main principals. The first is helping you seeing and finding the lines within the device. The second, is how to merge the lines and learning how the test works. There will be sections for both eyes and the total Practice Test will take you about 15 to 20 minutes. Once you've finished the Practice Test, you may retake the Practice Test or continue onto the Vision Test if you feel comfortable. You will only be required to take this practice test once, but it is always available for you.
The Vision Test will give you full measurements of your Sphere, Cylinder and your astigmatism. It is also used to generate your EyeQue Refractive Measurements (ERM) once you have finished three consistent Vision Tests. For each eye you will perform 9 measurements with each corresponding to a different angle. At the end of the Vision Test, you will have the option to save or discard the test. If you save the test it will be added to your account and used in the calculation of your final ERM. Please keep in mind that if you take 3 full tests and do not see an ERM this indicates one or more tests are inconsistent. In this case, you can go to the account menu of the app and tap on the "Vision test results" button to activate it. When you return to the dashboard, tap on the link that reads, "See Vision Test Results" to a list of your previous tests. Any test results highlighted in the color red are considered inconsistent. Please take the appropriate amount of tests until you have reached 3 consistent results. If you continue to receive inconsistent test results, please contact a customer support agent.
1 comment
Does this take the place of an eye exam ?
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